3 Fonteinen Witte Belgische Perzik 23/24 Assemblage n° 5

Season 2023-2024, Assemblage #5. Bottled on 22/11/2023. "For this Perzik, we macerated white peaches from Ludo Rosseels from Gelrode, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium. Maceration took four months and happened in a small wooden barrel. We used lambikken originating from four different barrels and ten brews. The majority of the lambikken used were three years old, aside two-year and one-year old lambikken. The weighted average age of this blend is more than 14 months and the final fruit intensity 363 grams of white peaches per litre of Perzik. Two thirds of the lambikken were brewed with locally sourced grains. 100% 3 Fonteinen."

29,11 €

Paiements 100% sécurisés
  • Uniquement des bières artisanales Uniquement des bières artisanales
  • Livraison dans le monde entier Livraison dans le monde entier
  • Livraison classique ou réservation avec mise en boîte. Livraison classique ou réservation avec mise en boîte.

Fiche d'information

1.783 kg