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Tilquin Pinot Meunier 2020-2021
"Beer of spontaneous fermentation, the Old Pinot Meunier Tilquin is made from the fermentation of 250 g of grapes by liter of lambic. The grapes were grown biodynamically by our neighbours at Domaine W. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer is refermented in the bottle."
Uniquement des bières artisanales
Livraison dans le monde entier
Livraison classique ou réservation avec mise en boîte.

"Beer of spontaneous fermentation, the Old Pinot Meunier Tilquin is made from the fermentation of 250 g of grapes by liter of lambic. The grapes were grown biodynamically by our neighbours at Domaine W. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer is refermented in the bottle."