- Biere
Lambic - Sour
- Delicatessen
- Verres - Accessoires
Blonde - Ambrée
- Saison
- India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Belgian Blond Ale
- Bière Fumée
- Pale Ale
- Blanche - Froment
- Triple
- Strong Ale
- Bock - Weizenbock
- Grape Ale
- Kölsch
- Cream Ale
- Altbier
- Radler
- Pils, Lager, Helles
- Red Ale
- Bière de Garde
- Bitter
- Märzen
- Grisette
- India Pale Lager (IPL)
- Amber
- Wheat Wine
- Oat Wine
- Table Beer
- Mild Ale
- Gluten-Free
- Cidre, Hydromel, Vin, etc...
- Non-Alcoholic Beer / Cider
Lambic - Sour
Blonde - Ambrée
- Saison
- India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Belgian Blond Ale
- Bière Fumée
- Pale Ale
- Blanche - Froment
- Triple
- Strong Ale
- Bock - Weizenbock
- Grape Ale
- Kölsch
- Cream Ale
- Altbier
- Radler
- Pils, Lager, Helles
- Red Ale
- Bière de Garde
- Bitter
- Märzen
- Grisette
- India Pale Lager (IPL)
- Amber
- Wheat Wine
- Oat Wine
- Table Beer
- Mild Ale
- Gluten-Free
- Cidre, Hydromel, Vin, etc...
- Delicatessen
- Verres - Accessoires
- Non-Alcoholic Beer / Cider
De Ranke Père Noel
Vintage 2022. "Père Noël is a Christmas ale, though very different from any other Christmas ales you might know. While most Christmas ales are rich & sweet, this one is amber-coloured, 7% vol. Alc. strong and tastes quite bitter. The complex taste is completed with the addition of liquorice. In the recipe we can also find pale malt, Munich malt, Caramel malt, Brewers Gold hops and Hallertau hops."
Uniquement des bières artisanales
Livraison dans le monde entier
Livraison classique ou réservation avec mise en boîte.

Vintage 2022. "Père Noël is a Christmas ale, though very different from any other Christmas ales you might know. While most Christmas ales are rich & sweet, this one is amber-coloured, 7% vol. Alc. strong and tastes quite bitter. The complex taste is completed with the addition of liquorice. In the recipe we can also find pale malt, Munich malt, Caramel malt, Brewers Gold hops and Hallertau hops."