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Popihn Sauvage Deviation (2023)
Collaboration with Champagne maker Romain Henin. "This vintage is a blend of a spontaneously fermented beer aged for 2 years in barrels and Pinot Meunier from Romain du terroir, in the form of marc co-fermented with the beer. We finally combined the blend with Pinot Meunier must on the day of bottling."
Uniquement des bières artisanales
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Livraison classique ou réservation avec mise en boîte.
Collaboration with Champagne maker Romain Henin. "This vintage is a blend of a spontaneously fermented beer aged for 2 years in barrels and Pinot Meunier from Romain du terroir, in the form of marc co-fermented with the beer. We finally combined the blend with Pinot Meunier must on the day of bottling."