
Unblended Lambic


  • Oud Beersel Bzart Lambiek...

    26,28 €
    : 4

    "Méthode Traditionelle: Brut non dosé" BB is 01/04/2023

    Derniers articles en stock
  • Oud Beersel Oude Faro Beer Box

    35,71 €

    Oude Lambiek where some candi sugar was added and fully feremented which gives a darker and stronger lambic.

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  • Oud Beersel Lambic Beer Box

    32,85 €
    : 1
    Derniers articles en stock
  • De Cam Oude Lambiek 2018

    23,87 €
  • De Cam Oude Lambiek 2017

    26,77 €

    Unblended 3 year old Lambic brewed in 2014 and bottled in 2017.

  • De Cam Oude Lambiek 2019

    9,55 €
  • Oud Beersel Oude Lambic 3...

    41,35 €

    Lambic that was aged for minimum 3 years in oak barrels.

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  • Oud Beersel Bzart Lambiek...

    24,89 €

    "Méthode Traditionelle: Brut non dosé"

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  • De Cam Oude Lambiek 2019

    16,97 €

    Unblended 3 year old Lambic brewed in 2016 and bottled in 2019.

  • De Cam 5 Year Old Oude...

    34,91 €

    Unblended 5 year old Lambic brewed in 2014 and bottled in 2019.

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  • 3F Golden Doesjel 19/20...

    14,97 €

    Season 2019-2020, Assemblage #41. Bottled on 13/02/20. "The one that knows it all, still has to be born” as Armand would say. From time to time, we still get surprised by some of the results after blending lambics. Like this Golden Doesjel. While it was intended to be a Golden Blend, and despite the use of very potent jyoung lambic, the fermentation in the bottle did not continue. And it remained flat. This blend was made with lambics from three barrels, originating from three brews with three different brewers (of which 50% 3 Fonteinen brewed lambic). A nice gentle sipper."

  • Brussels Beer Project...

    24,15 €

    "BBP's first Lambic blend, brewed at Dansaert. We teamed up with David from Verger du Nord. His spontaneously fermented cider contained all heirloom varieties, 70% pears & 30% apples. Blended 50/50 with our one year old lambic (fermented in Bordeaux barrels) & aged together in a chestnut foeder for 6 months before bottling."

  • De Cam 5 Year Old Oude...

    19,31 €

    Unblended 5 year old Lambic brewed in 2015 and bottled in 2020.

  • 3 Fonteinen Doesjel 19/20...

    14,17 €

    Season 2019-2020. Assemblage #85. Bottled on . on "This Doesjel was bottled on the 1st of December of 2020 and was intended to be an Oude Geuze. Because of the high proportion of older lambikken, the fermentation did not continue in the bottle and the blended lambik beer remained flat. The yeast dozed in, hence the name – a local dialect for that typical little sleepy knock you get over noon. In return, with a natural-white-wine-like aroma and malty citrussy taste, the resulting beer is a subtle lambik blend, with a weighted average age of about 30 months upon its release. The oldest lambikken were brewed at the beginning of 2018. This is the first Doesjel in 75cl bottles since 2006."

  • 3F Golden Doesjel 19/20...

    68,25 €

    Season 2019-2020, Assemblage #41. Bottled on 13/02/20. "The one that knows it all, still has to be born” as Armand would say. From time to time, we still get surprised by some of the results after blending lambics. Like this Golden Doesjel. While it was intended to be a Golden Blend, and despite the use of very potent jyoung lambic, the fermentation in the bottle did not continue. And it remained flat. This blend was made with lambics from three barrels, originating from three brews with three different brewers (of which 50% 3 Fonteinen brewed lambic). A nice gentle sipper."

  • De Cort Wild Adam

    17,87 €

    Blend of Apple Cider blended with 3 Fonteinen Lambic made by Andy De Brouwer and Manu De Cort.

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  • De Cort Wild Adam

    34,55 €

    Blend of Apple Cider blended with 3 Fonteinen Lambic made by Andy De Brouwer and Manu De Cort.

  • DDVDK Maurice

    13,55 €

    "Maurice is a story of passion and inspiration. Passion for the old brewing craft and inspiration from an old master brewer; Maurice Heyvaert (†). This lambic brewer taught me that lambic is much more than sour beer. The complicated brewing and fermentation process, the art of cutting up young and old lambic, the magic of the aging process. The result: a bone-dry, fresh-sour sparkling elixir that is much more than beer. It is the soul of pure brewing and my tribute to my very first mentor and inspiration. "The barrel cellar, the heart of the brewery" A traditional lambic, with refermentation in the bottle, a blend of one-year-old and three-year-old lambics."

  • Oud Beersel Bzart Lambiek...

    25,93 €

    "L'édition 2023 de cette bière Lambic naturelle et pétillante, née de la rencontre de deux glorieuses traditions, la Méthode Traditionnelle pour les vins pétillants et la fermentation spontanée pour les bières Lambic. Le lambic d'Oud Beersel est tiré en bouteille avec l'ajout de la liqueur de tirage, qui se compose de levure de vin mousseux et de sucre pour la fermentation secondaire. La bière vieillit ensuite pendant quatorze mois en bouteille avant d'être finie selon la "méthode traditionnelle". Ce processus permet le développement de gaz carbonique fin qui est piégé dans la bouteille et qui rend le Lambic pétillant. L'application du remuage et du dégorgement permet d'éliminer les levures présentes dans la bouteille. Pas de sucres ajoutés par addition d'une liqueur d'expédition. Le resultat est une bière lambic BRUT et pétillante avec une palette de saveurs impressionnante."

  • Eylenbosch Oude Lambiek 2024

    7,97 €

    "This is a 100% Eylenbosch Oude Lambiek. A Blend of 2, 3 and almost 4 year old lambics with a weighted average of 3 years and 1 month. Lambics from 6 different brew dates were selected out of 5 different barrels (225 L). This is the typical "platte" (flat) lambic, becasue no young lambic was added. No carbonaton"