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Lambic - Sour
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Lambic - Sour
Blonde - Ambrée
- Saison
- India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Belgian Blond Ale
- Bière Fumée
- Pale Ale
- Blanche - Froment
- Triple
- Strong Ale
- Bock - Weizenbock
- Grape Ale
- Kölsch
- Cream Ale
- Altbier
- Radler
- Pils, Lager, Helles
- Red Ale
- Bière de Garde
- Bitter
- Märzen
- Grisette
- India Pale Lager (IPL)
- Amber
- Wheat Wine
- Oat Wine
- Table Beer
- Mild Ale
- Gluten-Free
- Cidre, Hydromel, Vin, etc...
- Delicatessen
- Verres - Accessoires
- Non-Alcoholic Beer / Cider
0 %
Oude Gueuze
Voir 1-2 des produit(s) 2
Active filters
- Alcool : 6.6%
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze...
33,97 €Season 19/20. Assemblage n°37. Bottled on 11/02/20. This Golden Blend has been blended with lambics from three different barrels and five different brews. The lambics were brewed by three different breweries. It is one of the first blends in which lambic brewed by Brouwerij De Troch in Wambeek was used. The oldest lambic was brewed in early 2016.
Publitasting 3 Hops Dry...
39,85 €"The Geuze is a blend of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 year old lambics from various lambic breweries from the Zennevalei where Dry Hopping was applied and this time with 3 different aroma hops, with hand-picked fresh Fuggle hop cones from the field to dry hopping. , Chinook pallets and for the ultimate touch the hop 7784. All hops come from Forrest Farm."