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Lambic - Sour

Il y a 924 produits.

Voir 37-72 des produit(s) 924
  • De Ranke Cuvée

    9,84 €
  • Alvinne Cuvée Freddy

    5,07 €
  • De Leite Cuvée Soeur'ise

    4,36 €
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  • Dekoninck Oude Geuze

    5,36 €
  • Oud Beersel Bzart Lambiek...

    26,28 €
    : 4

    "Méthode Traditionelle: Brut non dosé" BB is 01/04/2023

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  • Owa Ichigo Lambic

    15,83 €

    Young lambic from De Troch matured with Japanese strawberries.

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  • Alvinne Cuvée Freddy Bosbes...

    4,87 €
    : 1
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  • Hanssens Oude Kriek

    5,87 €
  • Hanssens Oude Kriek

    11,07 €
  • Lambiek Fabriek Oude Gueuze...

    12,25 €
  • Lambiek Fabriek Fontan-Elle...

    12,95 €
    : 2
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  • Oud Beersel Oude Faro Beer Box

    35,71 €

    Oude Lambiek where some candi sugar was added and fully feremented which gives a darker and stronger lambic.

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  • Oud Beersel Kriekenlambiek...

    41,81 €
    : 2
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  • Oud Beersel Bersalis Kadet...

    8,25 €
  • Oud Beersel Lambic Beer Box

    32,85 €
    : 1
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  • Hof Ten Dormaal Zure van...

    4,77 €

    Spontaneous fermented, coolshipped and aged in wooden barrels and matureed with Barbera grapes.

  • De Cam Framboise Vlier 2019

    34,95 €
  • Verzet Oud Bruin Super Boil

    3,44 €

    "La Oud Bruin standard de Verzet a été bouillie pendant 16 heures au lieu de 1,5h. Cela transforme la bière en une version plus complète de la célèbre Oud Bruin et lui donne une touche plus caramélisée"

  • De Cam Oude Lambiek 2018

    23,87 €
  • Oud Beersel Green Walnut...

    23,86 €

    Lambic aged with green walnuts. Limited edition. Bottled on 07/06/2018 with BBD 07/06/2022

  • Oud Beersel Rabarber...

    38,44 €
    : 1
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  • Verhaeghe Duchesse Cherry

    2,97 €

    "Duchesse Cherry is a blend of 1 and 2 year-old Duchesse de Bourgogne with local, sour cherries added to the maturing beer. The malt beverage is aged in oak casks, and utilizing whole cherries from the Limburg region of Belgium, as opposed to cherry syrup that is sometimes used in cherry beer production, Duchesse Cherry truly lives up to its name" best before is 01/06/2023

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  • De Cam Oude Lambiek 2017

    26,77 €

    Unblended 3 year old Lambic brewed in 2014 and bottled in 2017.

  • 3 Fonteinen OG Armand &...

    12,23 €

    Assemblage #26. bottled on 08/03/18. Blend made with 100% lambic brewed by 3 Fonteinen from 6 different barrels originating from 5 different brews. The 3 year old lambic accounts for almost a third of this blend.

  • 3 Fonteinen Hommage 2018...

    45,45 €
    : 3

    This particular Hommage has macerated for 6 months with organic raspberries and cherries, and the final fruit intensity is 350 grams of fruit per litre. While blending, local honey was added.

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  • De Ranke Mirakel

    11,43 €

    Blend made of 1,2 & 3 year old lambics (Boon, Girardin and their own brewed lambic they call: "Spierelambic" after the tiny river that runs near the brewery).

  • Owa Lambic Rose

    11,83 €
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  • Stillwell Poptones

    13,21 €

    "Poptones started life as a hoppy pale ale fermented with clean ale yeast to which we added our house farmhouse cultures for a long, slow secondary fermentation in stainless steel" Dry hopped with Saphir before bottling. Brewed September 2017, Bottled Dec 2017 Released June 2018

  • Stillwell Poptones (Remix)
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    Stillwell Poptones (Remix)

    12,87 €

    "Poptones started life as a hoppy pale ale fermented with clean ale yeast to which we added our house farmhouse cultures for a long, slow secondary fermentation in stainless steel, followed by a long maturation in French oak barrels that previously held white wine." Brewed September 2017, Bottled APril 2018 and Released June 2018

  • Oud Beersel Oude Gueuze...

    10,91 €
    : 2

    Blend of 3 year old lambics primarily aged in foeders used for the maturation of Brunello di Montalcino.

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  • De Troch Oude Kriek

    9,25 €
  • À Tue-Tête Chasselas

    23,75 €
    : 1
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  • À Tue-Tête Noire

    18,21 €

    Wild/ Sour dark ale aged in oak barrels

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  • Atom Fig Harvest

    24,55 €

    "Farmhouse base beer aged for six months in neutral oak barrels. The beer was then moved to one of our custom built "Punch Down" barrels and added two pounds per gallon of figs. The fruit was punched down twice a day for two weeks then left to referment for two months."