Lambic - Sour
- Delicatessen
- Glasses - Merch
Blond - Amber
- Saison
- India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Belgian Blond Ale
- Smoked Beer
- Pale Ale
- Blanche - Wheat beer
- Tripel
- Strong Ale
- Bock - Weizenbock
- Grape Ale
- Kölsch
- Cream Ale
- Altbier
- Radler
- Pils, Lager, Helles
- Red Ale
- Bière de Garde
- Bitter
- Märzen
- Grisette
- India Pale Lager (IPL)
- Amber
- Wheat Wine
- Oat Wine
- Table Beer
- Mild Ale
- Cider, Mead, Wine, etc...
- N. A.
Lambic - Sour
Blond - Amber
- Saison
- India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Belgian Blond Ale
- Smoked Beer
- Pale Ale
- Blanche - Wheat beer
- Tripel
- Strong Ale
- Bock - Weizenbock
- Grape Ale
- Kölsch
- Cream Ale
- Altbier
- Radler
- Pils, Lager, Helles
- Red Ale
- Bière de Garde
- Bitter
- Märzen
- Grisette
- India Pale Lager (IPL)
- Amber
- Wheat Wine
- Oat Wine
- Table Beer
- Mild Ale
- Cider, Mead, Wine, etc...
- Delicatessen
- Glasses - Merch
- N. A.
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze 20/21 Assemblage n°43
Season 2020-2021 Assemblage #43. Bottled on 20/04/2021. "In the spring of 2020, we bottled a Golden Blend (season 19|20 No. 40), containing lambikken from four different barrels and six different brews with three different breweries. Fifteen months of cellar conditioning and ageing later, this geuze blend appeared not to have carbonated. A part of the bottles was therefore opened again and was re-blended with both two potent jonge lambikken and 50-month oude lambikken - all 3 Fonteinen - to give the Golden Blend a second push to bottle carbonation and additional depth. This way, the weighted average age of this blend currently is at more than 36 months, with the oude lambik being brewed at the beginning of 2016."
Only craft beer
Worldwide delivery
Classic delivery or reservation for later shipment

Season 2020-2021 Assemblage #43. Bottled on 20/04/2021. "In the spring of 2020, we bottled a Golden Blend (season 19|20 No. 40), containing lambikken from four different barrels and six different brews with three different breweries. Fifteen months of cellar conditioning and ageing later, this geuze blend appeared not to have carbonated. A part of the bottles was therefore opened again and was re-blended with both two potent jonge lambikken and 50-month oude lambikken - all 3 Fonteinen - to give the Golden Blend a second push to bottle carbonation and additional depth. This way, the weighted average age of this blend currently is at more than 36 months, with the oude lambik being brewed at the beginning of 2016."