Lambic - Sour
- Delicatessen
- Glasses - Merch
Blond - Amber
- Saison
- India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Belgian Blond Ale
- Smoked Beer
- Pale Ale
- Blanche - Wheat beer
- Tripel
- Strong Ale
- Bock - Weizenbock
- Grape Ale
- Kölsch
- Cream Ale
- Altbier
- Radler
- Pils, Lager, Helles
- Red Ale
- Bière de Garde
- Bitter
- Märzen
- Grisette
- India Pale Lager (IPL)
- Amber
- Wheat Wine
- Oat Wine
- Table Beer
- Mild Ale
- Cider, Mead, Wine, etc...
- N. A.
Lambic - Sour
Blond - Amber
- Saison
- India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Belgian Blond Ale
- Smoked Beer
- Pale Ale
- Blanche - Wheat beer
- Tripel
- Strong Ale
- Bock - Weizenbock
- Grape Ale
- Kölsch
- Cream Ale
- Altbier
- Radler
- Pils, Lager, Helles
- Red Ale
- Bière de Garde
- Bitter
- Märzen
- Grisette
- India Pale Lager (IPL)
- Amber
- Wheat Wine
- Oat Wine
- Table Beer
- Mild Ale
- Cider, Mead, Wine, etc...
- Delicatessen
- Glasses - Merch
- N. A.
3 Fonteinen X Ognostro Druif - Fiano 22/23 Assemblage n° 19
Season 2022-2023 Assemblage #19. Bottled on 21/12/2022. "In April 2022, a few of our team went to the Basque Country on a culinary trip. At a lunch at the Asador Extebarri, we met up with Marco Tinessa, winemaker-owner of the magnificent Ognostro winery, Campania, Italy. After a few tasty bottles of wine and geuze, we decided to work together. For this small batch Druif, we macerated Fiano pomace for a tad over two months, before blending and bottling. We used three-year old lambikken only, rendering the weighted average age up to 36 months. The final fruit intensity is 300 grams of Fiano pomace per litre of Druif. "
Only craft beer
Worldwide delivery
Classic delivery or reservation for later shipment

Season 2022-2023 Assemblage #19. Bottled on 21/12/2022. "In April 2022, a few of our team went to the Basque Country on a culinary trip. At a lunch at the Asador Extebarri, we met up with Marco Tinessa, winemaker-owner of the magnificent Ognostro winery, Campania, Italy. After a few tasty bottles of wine and geuze, we decided to work together. For this small batch Druif, we macerated Fiano pomace for a tad over two months, before blending and bottling. We used three-year old lambikken only, rendering the weighted average age up to 36 months. The final fruit intensity is 300 grams of Fiano pomace per litre of Druif. "